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Keeping Customers Safe

Pet Handover Protocol 

Mobile Pet Care Services is now fully open for business, but wishes to reassure pet owners that robust hygiene and social distancing protocols are being adopted when receiving or returning ones pet to their owner. There remains no evidence that pets are implicated in the transmission of coronavirus to people*, but there is some risk of the virus being carried onto pets and their belongings. The risk of human to human transmission remains, and social distancing measures throughout the handover process must be adopted to help prevent the spread of the disease.

The measures set out below will be considered with each handover, and risks assessed with regards to each type of service conducted:

All initial consultations will be carried out either virtually through Zoom or via telephone. The health status of each household will be ascertained before agreeing to care for any pets.

• I will ensure that I wash my hands for 20 seconds using soap and water or use hand sanitiser 

before going to collect or receive your pet.

• Mobile Pet Care Services will determine a way to receive or return the pet in a manner which maintains a two metre distance and if possible hand over the pet in an outside secure area.

• If safe to do so, dogs should be securely tied to a fixed object such as a hook whilst the owner retreats two metres. Mobile Pet Care Services will use their own leads when walking dogs. The reverse procedure is used to return the dog.

• If handover occurs within the pet owners premises, face masks should be worn by both parties at the point of transfer.

• If the pet owners equipment is used then Mobile Pet Care Services will wear gloves and wipe the equipment before taking your pet. The reverse will also be done when returning your pet.

• Your pet will be wiped with a safe damp cloth at the point of collection and drop off. 

• If Mobile Pet Care Services are transporting your pets, any surfaces that the pet(s) has come into contact with within the vehicle will be sanitised before transporting other pets.


When receiving a pet from a shielded person or someone who has, or is suspected of having Coronavirus:

• If taking animals from an infected or vulnerable household, Mobile Pet Care Services will again ensure all items which the pet comes into contact with are fully sanitised as well as ensuring the pets fur is wiped prior to being returned to their owner.

• Any contact with the occupants of the pet's home will be avoided, and a two metre distance will be enforced at all times.

• When walking a dog, they will be kept on a lead at all times to avoid other pets and people touching them in case the virus is on their fur.


Mobile Pet Care Services appreciates your support and understanding during these times. The above guidance is subject to change depending on future government guidelines. This page was last updated on the 14th August 2020.


NarpsUK - National Association of Pet Sitters & Dog Walkers 






Hours of Operation

Area of Service

07985 940622

Mon - Fri: 8am - 6pm

​​Saturday: 9am - 12pm

Haywards Heath


Burgess Hill

Wivelsfield/Wivelsfield Green




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